

Our toddler programs follow the lead of the children as they explore the world around them to gain mastery and independence. Children work in small groups with teachers throughout the day to experience curriculum opportunities, explore independent play and engage in outdoor learning.


-provide space and time for children to develop independence and self-help skills but scaffolding their learning, narrating experiences and helping to develop a “tool kit” for problem solving.

-offer messy, fun, stimulating and creative opportunities for children to explore sensory and art using their senses.

-challenge and support them to enhance their gross motor skills and body awareness as they explore running, jumping and climbing in our outdoor spaces throughout the seasons.

-narrate their social experiences to help them develop language, self-expression and social skills.

-foster a love for literacy by reading, singing, rhyming and storytelling with the children to honor their ideas and interests.


208 Flynn Ave, Suite 2F  |  Burlington, VT, 05401  |  802-651-9455  |  ©2017 Pine Forest Children's Center